Bounded total utilitarianism (obviously a draft)

I like my utility functions bounded, and my utilitarianisms total. Wait, fuck.

What do

Let’s try to construct a moral theory that is like total utilitarianism when choosing between deterministic universes, but the utility assignments of which are bounded. Let the set of universes be \(S\), and the total utilitarian utility function be \(u\colon S\to \mathbb{R}\). (Feel free to think of this as the total amount of pleasure minus pain in the universe, or whatever other formulation of totalism you prefer.)

The bad

Since our utility function is bounded, we are bound to run into some of the issues discussed in sections 4, 5, 6 of Wilkinson’s In defence of fanaticism

The good

Local non-egyptologicality

Other good properties

Other than being bounded and thus avoiding issues with unbounded utility functions, here are some additional properties of our utility function that some would consider nice. I guess it’s possible to view each of these as just avoiding a problem with unbounded utility functions, but it’s probably helpful to spell these out anyway.

The ugly



I would have been very surprised if no one had proposed this earlier, but a moderate amount of searching turned up nothing except for . Even still, I would be surprised to learn that no one has proposed this earlier. If anyone can point me to someone who has proposed this earlier, I would be happy to